

A Playful Prescription for Pediatric Health Care Providers

Project: Play2Learn believes that to reach educational equity as social justice for all young children, we must first provide the learning resources for play.

Rx2Play, our pediatric health program, encourages young patients to look forward to well visits where they receive free games as a ‘Prescription to Play.’ Play is a powerful tool for engagement, especially when interacting with non-English speaking families. Alphabet Zoop includes QR codes for translating game instructions. 

Why? Play brings joy to learning. Games motivate children to practice skills outside of school, strengthening their social-emotional health and enhancing their self-confidence. Playing games provides respite during challenging times and inspires a love of learning.

How? We provide free educational games to children ages 3-8 by partnering with community health organizations. We coach healthcare providers on ‘quick-play’ to introduce games to young patients, increasing the likelihood of repeated play at home. 

Busy pediatric MDs, PAs, NPs, RNs, as well as parents, all short on time, welcome our games to help young children feel comfortable during well visits, encouraging playful learning and social emotional health at home. Rx2Play is an easy family engagement program benefitting children.

Project: Play2Learnprovides the award winning card game, Alphabet Zoop, for children to focus on pre-literacy and English skills. Each free deck provides multiple fun games to challenge children as their skills develop. Our educational, pocket-sized card decks are easy to store and play for a few minutes or more. Early math (STEM) games to be available soon.

Project: Play2Learn deeply appreciates the support of our partners who value the importance of play for children and family engagement. Rx2Play is made possible by the generosity of those contributing funds to provide these free educational games to encourage healthy and playful learning for all children. All contributions to off-set shipping costs of these free games to your organization are greatly appreciated. 

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